Handy app featuring 56,000+ Telugu words and their meaning in the English.
Version: 4.1.3
Program available in: English
Program license: Free
Program by: Droid Raju
Tel2EngDict is an Android app developed by Droid Raju (Murari, GANDEPALLE Mandal, East Godavari District, ANDHRA PRADESH 533297 India). Others apps created by Droid Raju are: Eng2TelDict.
Tel2EngDict first became available on 29 May 2012. It is estimated that Tel2EngDict has been downloaded between 500000 and 1000000 times from the Play Store.

Programs similar to Tel2EngDict
App featuring 50,000+ wordsThe Ideal dictionary for learners of English.
WordWeb English Dictionary.
Telugu Translator
Free translator from english to telugu, and from telugu to english.
English Telugu Dictionary
Both English to Telugu and Telugu to English Offline Dictionary